Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why The Hunger Games Movie is better than the Twillight Movie

The Hunger Games Movie is better than the Twilight Movie for many reasons, the main one being the acting. The acting in The Hunger Games is real acting. The actors didn’t seem like they were just reading lines and being cheesy. They made you believe that the Hunger Games was real. In Twilight the actors were bland and bad. They acted corny. When I saw the movie I was like really Kirsten Stewart? (I just don’t understand why every director is putting her in their movies, but that is a discussion for a different day). Words cannot describe how they acting in Twilight differ from all other successful movies, everybody who is not a giddy teenage girl will understand. Next, The Hunger Games contains no vampires. Praise the Lord! I don’t know about you, but I was getting quite annoyed seeing vampires everywhere, in movies, in television shows, it was getting old. Finally The Hunger Games contains a strong female heroine. Katniss is a strong hunter who is strong yet emotional too. She cares about others deeply, that she sacrifices her life for her sisters. Also Katniss stays true to herself throughout the film even though everybody is trying to change her into something she is not for the sake of getting people to like her. This is something that a lot of young adults face today. Katniss is a more relatable character than Bella because she a great example of teen angst and a heroine. I would definitely recommend that everybody go see The Hunger Games even if you have not read the book (because I didn’t either), and decide what film and storyline you find more appealing.

1 comment:

  1. I loved Hunger Games. Katniss is one of my favorite all time characters.
